Session 1.
'Like' for preference and description.
Do you like cats? What are cats like? In this session, we explore different ways of using the word like, with the help of some cute cats.
Session 2.
In this session we continue looking at the word like. And to help you when giving descriptions, we do some vocabulary work. Time to learn some adjectives!
Session 3.
Emma goes out onto the streets of London to ask people about where they live. We practise different forms of like, learn some vocabulary and pick up a pronunciation point along the way.
Session 4.
In this session, we'll show you a game you can play with a friend to help you practise asking what something is like.
We'll also learn an informal use of the word like from a famous BBC radio presenter.
Session 5.
Episode 3: Batten down the hatches! How will the crew weather the storm? Plus, find out what you've learnt from unit 3 in our weekly quiz.